

  • Timely 和 accurate information regarding an emergency can be the difference between life 和 death.
  • 应急准备办公室 & 消防安全 maintains an 紧急通知系统, 杜警报, capable of pushing out emergency messages to everyone affiliated with the yzcca88游戏登录网址 in a very short period of time.
  • All members of the DU community will receive an email when a message is sent through 杜警报. If you would like to receive voice messages via telephone or text messages via your mobile device, you must register your number or numbers with the system.


  • mail-icon


    Every member of the DU community will receive an email when the system is utilized.

  • 手机图标


    Members of the DU community have the option to register a telephone number with the system to receive a call with an automated message when the system is used.

  • 全球图标


    Members of the DU community also have the option to register a mobile device capable of receiving text messages with the system to receive a message when the system is used. This is generally regarded as the best way to reach you in an emergency.

Enter your notification preferences in MyDU to receive 杜警报



  • 迫在眉睫的紧急情况
  • 实际的紧急情况
  • yzcca88游戏登录网址当前紧急情况的最新情况
  • School closures due to weather or other circumstances
  • 更多的信息
    • The Division of 校园安全 is authorized to send emergency notifications through the selected third party vendor to the DU Community if it is determined that there is an emergency or dangerous situation that poses an 直接的威胁 to the health or safety of some or all members of the DU Community. Situations that may warrant an emergency notification include, but are not limited to:
      • An emergency incident in progress; active shooters, bomb threats, civil unrest, 和 evacuations
      • Potential impending emergency incidents such as tornado warnings 和 other serious weather events
      • yzcca88游戏登录网址可疑人员的安全信息, 地区或学校关闭, crimes against person where the suspect is not apprehended
      • Termination messages 包括 all clears, status updates or re-opening of campus or buildings
    • 校园安全 shall without delay 和 taking into account the safety of the community, determine the content of the notification 和 initiate the notification system, 除非发出通知, 在第一反应者的判断中(包括, 但不限于:丹佛警察局, 丹佛健康, 和/或丹佛消防局), compromise the efforts to assist a victim or to contain, 回复, 或者缓解紧急情况. 发送消息之前, the incident must be confirmed through one or more of the following methods:
    • I. Confirmation of an emergency in progress is subject to:
      • a. Confirmation of the incident by an emergency responder in the area
      • b. 通过闭路电视系统进行视觉确认
      • c. Audible confirmation either in person or via telephone systems
      • d. Three (3) unique reports of the incident from members of the public or University community
    • II. Confirmation of an impending emergency is subject to confirmation of the incident by an emergency responder or relevant agency
    • The system will be tested during the Fall, Winter 和 Spring quarters. 用户可以选择接收短信和电话信息, but all DU Community members will receive the notification via email. Community members can sign up to receive messages through PioneerWeb.


  • 所有活跃学生
  • 所有现役教员
  • 所有在职人员
  • All essential duty personnel, 包括 deans 和 directors
  • 其他主要行政人员

While participation in the text 和 voice messaging notification is optional, 我们强烈鼓励学生报名.


  • 紧急联系方式

    Emergency contact information is found via PioneerWeb on the "查看紧急联系人" or "更新紧急联系人页面和联系人列表,比如父母, 亲戚或朋友, who should be notified if you are injured or ill 和 you cannot contact them. The emergency notification system is designed to notify you 和 only you in the event of an urgent situation 和 does not utilize emergency contact information.

  • 紧急通知系统免责声明

    We will use your contact information for official yzcca88游戏登录网址 communications only, 包括, 但不限于, 紧急情况, 校园闭包, 大楼关闭或课程取消, 您的联系方式将以 yzcca88游戏登录网址的隐私政策.

    Only currently enrolled students 和 current employees will receive University email emergency notifications.

    The mobile device owner is responsible for any charges associated with text messages.

    DU does not guarantee the successful delivery of any message to any individual recipient, nor does receipt of any message guarantee life safety in the event of an emergency.

    DU policy requires community members to check their DU email account. Please make sure you check this account regularly or forward your email to an email account you check.